Monday, May 11

Japanese gardens

Interesting site about Japanese gardens, their history, some literature based on them.

A small part of the site (from the introduction):
"A space that embodies nature can act as a kind of balm - a restorative for the mind. In its ideal form, the modern Japanese garden is just that spiritual space, designed according to a sophisticated aesthetic that evokes and celebrates nature. The means used differ, but all draw on a thousand years of what we call tokikata - in this context, the reading of the Cosmos through the garden."

"Japanese gardens are a living work of art in which the plants and trees are ever changing with the seasons. As they grow and mature they are constantly sculpted to maintain and enhance the overall experience. Hence a Japanese garden is never the same and never really finished. While the underlying structure is determined by the architecture, that is the framework of enduring elements, such as buildings, veranda's and terraces, paths, tsukiyama (artificial hills) and stone compositions, over time it is only as good as the careful maintenance that it receives by those skilled in the art of training and pruning."

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